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Are CIOs in danger of losing their information edge?

Below we present curated research that CIOs from North America to China, and from Norway to South Africa, should spend time exploring. They touch on long- and short-term financial and economic dynamics pertinent to portfolio positioning in a new market environment.

2024 Edition – Ten-Year Outlook (Northern Trust Asset Management)

This report provides insight into the forces shaping the investing landscape for the coming years. There are six key themes which are explored at length.

Fixed Income Under The Spotlight: Five Key Questions For Investors (MFS)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

What would a recession look like and what follows? Are balance sheets vulnerable? Find out the answer to these and more questions, in this report.

What’s Next For Active Equities (BlackRock)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in the United States and Canada

Broadly speaking, active equities did not deliver the same levels of alpha in 2022 as they have in years past. But why?

Future of Cross-Border Payments (Citi GPS)

Competition is increasingly multi-faceted within the industry. Payments are moving away from traditional instruction methods and towards novel approaches.

A Centuries-Old $1.7-Trillion Asset Class (Investments & Wealth Institute)

The art market continues to grow. As such, the interesting opportunities presented to investors by this asset class also continue to flourish.

The Missing Piece (Myrmikan Capital)

The current credit mania began in 1960 when Keynes’s disciples wrested control of money and credit under Kennedy.

Road to Next: Horizon for Emerging Growth Company Exits (Deloitte)

The challenge last year was the lack of demand for new listings. Now, the demand is high, but the supply of debut-ready companies is still revving up.

Macro Trends and Long-horizon Returns (Norges Bank)

This report simulates prospective long-term returns on short- and long-duration bonds, based on current macro trends.

The Difficulty of Monitoring Prices in Real Time (FRBNY)

There are two main measures of consumer price inflation in the United States: the PCE price index and the consumer price index (CPI).


Minimizing Tracking Error Through Intelligent Optimization (Qontigo)

This timely Special Report looks at how can investment managers use exclusion screens to raise the ESG profile of a portfolio while cutting down on introduced active risk.

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