Disruption is hard to define. In its broadest sense, it can be anything that interrupts an event, activity or process. In this publication, UBS Asset Management focuses largely on the technological and commercial side of its far-reaching tentacles.
Ultimately, disruption (and by extension innovation) is key to business and the global economy. Technological change is the driving force behind productivity, which is in turn the driving factor of economic output. Investors who aren’t thinking about disruption are neglecting their duties.
Explore the inaugural edition of UBS Asset Management’s Red Thread publication, which covers the theme from many different angles.
The investor’s dilemma
Valuing hyper-growth companies is fiendishly difficult and requires a blend of art and science. Find out how UBS Asset Management approaches this process.
Magnificent moats
This publication provides an exploration of the current crop of superstar companies and their relative competitive advantages.
Megatrends and disruptive innovation
A sector- and country-based view of equity markets is somewhat anachronistic, and investors should consider allocating across ‘big picture’ theme-based lines.
A tug-of-war transition
This piece provides an assessment of the competing forces bearing down on energy majors. With the transition set to take longer than any purists would like to admit, balancing the old and new worlds and investing accordingly will be a fine balance.
Nomadic survival
An interview with Gaia Vince is a journey from the depths of climate dystopia to the hopeful realization that our migratory instincts could hold the key to some of society’s greatest challenges.
Filling the void
This piece offers investors a look back over the various disruptive phases of bank lending and some thoughts on where private credit might head next.
The inflection point
Explore the disruptive forces bearing down on the asset management industry and what it will take to survive.