• Anton Balint,
     Senior Investment Writer |

  • 14 Jun 2023

  • Updated 23 Jun 2023

ESG Culture War

The end of ESG, or just another phase?

These three letters – ESG – were meant to be more than just a symbol. They were supposed to be a pragmatic framework for allocating capital. However, in recent months, ESG has become part of what some commentators are calling a “culture war”. The media attention to this issue is already prompting some investors to move away from this space. Is ESG investing approaching its end, or is it entering a new phase of development?

GPs’ Global ESG Strategies: Strategic Options (PwC)

Given the rapid and global nature of ESG investing’s growth, regulators have taken varying approaches towards tackling ESG issues, both in terms of urgency and strategy.

The World of ESG Data: Is it Commoditized Yet? (CME Group)

One of the key challenges for ESG investors is the lack of standardisation of ESG data. Allocators are looking forward to developments in this area.

Engaging For Greater Gender Equality In Asian Companies (Impax Asset Management)

Growing pressure from the region’s regulators and global investors to increase female board representation across Asian companies is encouraging.

ESG In Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt (Macquarie Asset Management)

The authors argue that a more thoughtful approach to sovereign ESG investing provides better investment insights and results in more ethical portfolios.

Beyond The Headlines: Five ESG Investment Perspectives (Capital Group)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

The global pharmaceutical industry has been fined over USD 95 billion dollars in civil and criminal financial penalties since 2000. Can an ESG approach help mitigate this risk?

Higher Conviction Sustainability: The ESG Elite Index (S&P Dow Jones Indices)

The S&P 500 ESG Elite Index utilises S&P DJI’s well-established ESG indexing approach of weighting companies within an index.

The U.S. ESG Culture War (Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance)

American states are divided over their approach towards ESG investing. This article argues that whatever the differences, a middle ground of pragmatism must prevail.

How Australia’s Big Banks Are Still Funding New Fossil Fuels (Market Forces)

For compliance reasons, this paper is only accessible in certain geographies

This research paper shows how Australia’s big four banks have no policies to limit their funding to companies expanding fossil fuels.

Unmasking a $28Tn Biodiversity Risk (Impact Cubed)

As the financial sector continues to recognise the importance of biodiversity, reliable data on such issues will become increasingly valuable.

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