Gary Adams,
Senior Investment Content Specialist | -
06 Jul 2023 -
Updated 03 Aug 2023
Finding long-term opportunities in a quickly shifting world
The world is changing quickly – but not in the way that many people think. Instead of deglobalization, a new form of globalization is emerging, and with it a host of new challenges alongside new prospects for investors willing to tackle this hugely complicated megatrend.
READ NOW: The (re)globalization megatrend: A new world order (Special Report, 2023).
Three critical parts of the world economy will play a major role in how re-globalization takes form – technology, energy, and finance. Exploring the supply chains that power these and how they may change in a new world is key.
The (re)globalization Megatrend: A new world order (Special Report, 2023)
It appears that deglobalization is the inevitable reaction to our rapidly changing world. However, re-globlalization may in fact be what shapes the global economy.
In what form might this new regime take and how can investors most effectively capture the opportunities it will present?